M Y · R E D · N O S E · D A Y · L O O K

*Hi guys! Although I don't usually post on weekends, I would love to show you the look I chose for Red Nose Day. For those who don't know what is about, " Red Nose Day " since 1998, is the day dedicated to raising funds for people in need in UK and across Africa. Their slogan is "Do something funny for money". On TV there is a telethon where comedians try to get money for this cause plus also it raises money with merchandising. This year, Stella McCartney has again collaborated designing shirts with prints like the Beatles among other designs and Kate Moss has been the face of the campaign. So I've bought one of them to collaborate and take part in it. Also in Tk Maxx , where you could buy these shirts for yesterday, they sold delicious desserts like cupcakes. I leave you with the pictures and I hope you like them! :) Buenas chic@s!! Aunque no suelo postear los fines de semana, no quería dejar de enseñaros el look que escogí para el día...